The following is a description of the text contained by the visual summary.
Book by: A. Kothari, A. Salleh, A. Escobar, F. Demaria, A. Acosta
(Summary by: @joycming )
- Chronopolitically: all nations advance in the same direction
- Geopolitically: “leaders” of this path (developed countries) show straggling countries which way to go
- Sociopolitically: measure “development” thru economic performance (GDP)
- Actors mainly experts of governments, multinational banks, corps.
(GLOBALIZATION = development without nation states)
MODERNITY: individualism, private property, free markets, political liberalism, secularism, representative democracy, universalism
ANTHROPOCENTRISM: belief that the Earth was created for humans, leading to divisions and devastation of nature and exploitation of sex-gender, racial, civilizational differences
FORTRESS (image of a castle): neonationalism revives the glorious past of an imagined peoples; leading to defending material goods from poor or foreign
GLOBALISM (image of a globe): deregulated, free trade will bring wealth and well-being to corporations and consumers globally
SOLIDARITY (image of two hands holding): resistance against the powerful and capitalist pursuit of profit allow human rights and ecological principles to be valued
A world where many worlds fit and all people’s worlds coexist with dignity & peace without being subject to diminishment, exploitation, misery.
POLITICS OF CARE: learning from those who have been “othered” (women, children, animals) can help us understand how we are all related and see race, sex-gender, species inside an eco-centric frame
COMMONING: autonomous decision-making, face-to-face and economic exchange directed at meeting basic needs through self-reliance (participation, collaboration, respect and mutual acceptance, horizontality)
(Image of a hand from which leaves and water are coming from)
Human Rights: preservation and upholding people’s dignity, putting the needs of the most vulnerable first - RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES
Nature Rights: all aspects of nature are legal subjects w/ inherent rights (Earth jurisprudence)
(Image of three interlinked puzzle pieces)
Convivialism: (1) common humanity: respect for differences (2) common sociality: wealth of social ties (3) legitimate individuation: self-actualization (4) peaceable and constructive opposition - COMMONS & COLLECTIVE
Commons as more than (1) shared resources but also including (2) governing community (3) praxis of “commoning,” reproduces lives in common and their common wealth - AUTONOMY & SELF-RELIANCE
Food (healthy and culturally appropriate food produced from ecologically sound, self-defined systems) or Energy (just generation and distribution and control of energy sources) Sovereignty
(Image of a gift box intertwined with flowers)
Earth Spirituality: Belief system that embraces the sentience, sacredness, conscious agency of nature and its non-human beings - SOLIDARITY & RECIPROCITY
Gift Economy: principle that (im)material goods & services are given/received without immediate or future obligation to return - ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY
Eco-Positive Design: Buildings can contribute to sustainability if they give more benefits than no bldg at all - SIMPLICITY & ENOUGHNESS
Buddhism & Wisdom-Based Compassion: The ultimate source of happiness is within us
(Image of a dove holding an olive branch)
Ecofeminism: Because subjugation of women is linked with domination of nature, human emancipation fro historically patriarchal attitudes can’t be achieved without liberation of all “othered” beings - NONVIOLENCE & PEACE
Pacifism: Because capitalism is linked with global violence, Degrowth is a necessary condition for peace, even if it is not sufficient - INCLUSIVENESS & DIGNITY
Agaciro = dignity, self-respect. See themselves as agents, not just recipients of beneficiaries - DIGNITY OF LABOR
Worker-Led Production & Wages For Housework are examples of equity/liberation